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This free download also features Crochet Pattern Content Guides to keep your pattern requirements “at-a-glance” and build your own pattern “table of contents.” It also includes a “Notes” page where you can document the pattern designer, the pattern source, and yarn information. The “Notes” page also has a spot designated for your thoughts and suggestions on patterns to help you customize your work.

Organize your Crafts with the
Crochet Pattern Binder Organization. 

If you are working on tidying up and organizing your pattern stash, you will definitely want to download this organizer. The printable crochet pattern organizer is customized for crochet and contains 11 different categories to help you stay organized.

Let us get you started with these free crochet patterns below.

Enjoy these Free Crochet Patterns to get you Started on your Organizer

Stay Tuned

Stick around and see what's next!  Make Sure to check our other printables for your Craft Organization Needs!

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Happy Crafting!

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